Manage crises efficiently and proactively with AI-powered strategy

The PAIRS research project develops a platform for crisis management that iteratively learns to identify crises in their formative stages and provides data-driven recommendations for action. 

Manage crises efficiently and proactively with AI-powered strategy

The PAIRS research project develops a platform for crisis management that iteratively learns to identify crises in their formative stages and provides data-driven recommendations for action. 

PAIRS is a research project on data-based crisis management and stands for Privacy-Aware, Intelligent and Resilient CrisiS Management

A community project with strong partners

Ein Forschungsvorhaben zur
digitalen Kriesenbewältigung

The Goal

Predict crises at an early stage based on data and generate individual recommendations for action.

Funded by BMWK

Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection with approximately €10 million.

In focus

The focus is on production, logistics, supply chain management, healthcare and energy supply.

Developed in consortium

Jointly realized by a consortium of highly qualified companies and institutions.

A combination of artificial & human intelligence

For all this, the research project is developing a cross-domain platform that combines artificial and human intelligence.

How intelligent and precocious
crisis management works

With the establishment and continuous further development, a data-based information basis is created in order to be best prepared for crisis situations and thus strengthen the resilience of Germany as a business location

In the PAIRS research project, methods from the fields of artificial intelligence and knowledge representation are examined in relation to the requirements from various domains to determine the extent to which these approaches are suitable for the application partners. The approaches that are shown to be suitable and target-oriented in the investigations will then be transferred into practice in the final application Supply Chain Radar.

The Supply Chain Radar obtains its necessary data for creating transparency in crisis situations from a wide variety of domains, such as the health or energy sector and other external data sources from production, supply chain and logistics. With this information, the impact of crisis events on the value chain is made visible to individual companies and public organizations.

News & Media

What it is about

Supply Chain

Currently not available: When goods like semiconductors and computer chips can’t be delivered on time and economies around the world falter…

Health Care

Shortage of medical supplies: In pandemic times, forward planning and ordering management in healthcare facilities is critical to the system…

Energy supply

When the lights go out: A reliable energy supply in crisis regions is considered the absolute basis of life for the people as well as the reconstruction…

About us

The PAIRS research project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, is being jointly implemented by a consortium of highly qualified companies and institutions under the consortium leadership of Advaneo GmbH.

With the establishment and continuous further development, a data-based information basis is created in order to be prepared for crisis situations in the best possible way and thus to strengthen the resilience of Germany as a business location.

Become an application partner

Some associated partners

The joint project PAIRS is funded as an AI lighthouse project within the framework of the “Innovation Competition Artificial Intelligence” by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).