Demo Day: Strengthening resilience and overcoming crises with AI

On 13.05.2024, during the Demo Day event of the Forum Digitale Technologien in Berlin, it became clear how AI-based technologies can be used in practice for crisis management and how their technologies make it possible to actively support SMEs and control centers.

The projects CoyPu, DAKI-FWS, KISS, ResKriVer, SPELL and PAIRS presented interactive demonstrators for the prevention and management of threatening crisis situations in business and society under the theme of crisis management using AI as part of the AI innovation competition of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).
PAIRS presented a demonstrator for early epidemic detection, presented by Bianca Hennig from Tiplu GmbH, in which healthcare stakeholders receive concrete information about epidemics at an early stage, enabling preventive action to be taken.
Natalie Gdanitz from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) showed how predictive data analysis using AI can be used to predict potential operations in the next seven days as part of operational planning in civil protection, so that an effective response can be guaranteed in the event of a crisis.
The Supply Chain Radar on preventive supply chain management, presented by Jürgen Bretfeld of Advaneo GmbH, enables companies to recognize external crisis events within their value network at an early stage and manage them more effectively. With the help of a dashboard, decision-makers can monitor crises on a daily basis.

Impressions from Demo Day

Images: Begleitforschung des KI-Innovationswettbewerbs (Photo 1) and Ann-Kathrin Stumpf (Advaneo GmbH)

Das Verbundprojekt PAIRS wird als KI-Leuchtturmprojekt im Rahmen des ”Innovationswettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz” vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWK) gefördert.

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